July 29, 2021
Project Harvest proudly announces a thesis defense by Kunal Palawat!
Project Harvest proudly announces a dissertation defense by Kunal Palawat
Kunal is a Master's student pursuing a degree in Soil, Water, and Environmental Sciences. They have been testing the water samples you have sent in for inorganic contamination.
Now all their hard work is paying off and they will be defending their theses "Data Science for Environmental Justice: Community-based Rainwater Harvesting and Environmental Monitoring in Arizona" at 1 PM on August 6th, 2021. We welcome all Project Harvest participants to attend virtually through Zoom. Below is the Zoom information. We hope to see you there!
Zoom link: https://arizona.zoom.us/j/84173171438
Meeting ID: 841-7317-1438
Password: kunal